ممنون مهندس دیندار فایل رو ویرایش کردم و توابع رو حذف کردم ولی مشکل هنوز هست ممکنه کانفیگ FFMPEG رو نگاه کنید ؟
این آدرس FFMPEG :
اینم فایل config :
حالا چجوری باید ادرس رو قرار بردم ؟
// Path to instagram sessions directory
define("SESSIONS_PATH", APPPATH . "/sessions");
// Path to temporary files directory
define("TEMP_PATH", ROOTPATH . "/assets/uploads/temp");
// Path to themes directory
define("THEMES_PATH", ROOTPATH . "/inc/themes");
// URI of themes directory
define("THEMES_URL", APPURL . "/inc/themes");
// Path to plugins directory
define("PLUGINS_PATH", ROOTPATH . "/inc/plugins");
// URI of plugins directory
define("PLUGINS_URL", APPURL . "/inc/plugins");
// Path to ffmpeg binary executable
// NULL means it's been installed on global path
// If you set the value other than null, then it will only be
// validated during posting the videos
define("FFMPEGBIN", NULL);
// Path to ffprobe binary executable
// NULL means it's been installed on global path
// If you set the value other than null, then it will only be
// validated during posting the videos